Comfrey contains allantoin, a hormone-like substance that stimulates cell division. When the roots of the comfrey plant are disturbed (through tilling or hoeing) it triggers a self-preservation response from the plant, causing more energy to go into the root system to ensure its survival. Comfrey, Russian plant Usually Available: all year Shipping: NOT Western Australia or Tasmania, NOT internationally Botanical Name: Symphytun x uplandium var. Tea and poultices of leaves or roots are used. The key to keeping comfrey in its place is as simple as putting up a “Do not disturb” sign. Please note: Supply of plant stock Orders taken all year round. Symphytum is a homeopathic remedy that knit bones completely.

Though it has suffered from a lot of bad press throughout the years, comfrey is becoming well known for medicinal use, as well as its use as a “dynamic accumulator” companion plant, fertilizer and herbal insecticide, far outweigh its reputation as an “invasive spreader.” Boraginales Boraginaceae > Symphytum Symphytum officinale This European perennial wildflower is a member of the forget-me-not family and is native to Europe and southwestern Asia. Symphytum officinale con-tains at least 9 pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which have been known to be toxic with ingestion since 1920.2,26 These components are distributed through-out the entire plant, but the highest concentrations occur in the roots. Jby Ahsan Ul Haq Symphytum Officinale is First Aid Homeopathic Medicine.